Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor

Dirt Doctor

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See what this mix of buckwheat, tillage radishes, clovers, and more can do for your soil - perfect for rebuilding topsoil, breaking up compaction, and recharging nutrients into your dirt


Got poor soil?

Log decks, old roads, topsoil erosion? You’ve probably got at least one area on your property that could use some help building back good topsoil. 

Our blend of high biomass species in this mix will help rebuild healthy soil. Deep rooted brassicas will break up hardpan and compacted soil and retrieve nutrients from deep in the ground, buckwheat and sorghum will provide organic material and weed suppression, and clovers will recharge your soil with nitrogen and help loosen soil with thick root systems. 

Plant this for a season or two, get your soil rebuilt, and then you’ll have a prime food plot for planting anything you want. Grows virtually anywhere. We've had results with this mix on soil that started off with more gravel than dirt. Builds a thick healthy layer of dark rich topsoil while also providing something for your herd to eat. If you have plots with bad soil don't waste time with crops that might fail. Get Dirt Doctor planted and start building that soil back up so you can have beautiful and healthy plots later on. 




Grain Sorghum

2 Clovers

Tillage Radishes


How we formulated this mix:

Heavy on buckwheat to suppress weeds and build organic material in almost any soil condition and a high protein forage for deer. Tillage radish’s deep tap roots break up hard pan and pull nutrients and minerals from deep in the soil and bring them to the surface where other plants can use them. Grain sorghum provides more organic material, extra thatch material if you choose to crimp, extreme drought tolerance, and their grain heads provide a food source for deer and birds like quail and dove. The clovers in this mix are well suited to poor soils and not only provide a food source for deer that lasts into fall/winter but will also fix nitrogen helping to recharge your soil for future plantings.


WHERE TO PLANT: Areas with full sun to partial shade.  Old log decks, logging roads, eroded areas, etc. 

pH: 5.5-7.0



 NORTH: April-June or Early Aug-Sept

CENTRAL: April-May or Aug-Sept

SOUTH: April-May or Aug-Oct

SOIL PREP: Disc, tiller, or plow, or can be used as a no-till planting just use landscape or hand rake or expose/lightly work soil. Culti-pack or drive over with an ATV before and after planting for best results. 

PLANTING DEPTH: 1/4in or less

FERTILIZER: For best results use the Whitetail Hill Soil Test and apply fertilizer as recommended by the test - Order at WhitetailHill.com

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My clover patch was all but a goner by this time every year and I'd almost given up. Too much shade, low pH, and weeds had me spinning my wheels most years. Planted Whitetail Hill Clover and its thickened up well and outcompeting most weeds. Everywhere I've planted this clover blend has done very well. Some of my best plots to date have been using Whitetail Hill seed.

Chase K.

Couldn't be happier with my experience and I also sent emails back and forth with questions about my order and they were extremely helpful!

Bryan H.

Great company to do business with!

Marvin G.

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